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Introducing Two Male Gliders (Not Neutered)?

Mar 11, 2016

 Introducing Two Male Gliders (Not Neutered)?

My male recently suffered the loss of his female companion, and unfortunately the only available suggie from my local breeder was a joey male. Now, I know better than to introduce them until the little guys buffs up. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to /eventually/ introduce them unneutered? The only local vet that has confirmed neutering is well over the price I'm paying for the new guy in the first place, so if I can save myself the golden nickel that'd be great...
My current boy, Ottoman, is a complete sweetheart and when the female was still here he wasn't really "dominant". He's kind of lonely now so I'm hoping that'll open his little furry brain to the new kid when he comes.
Should I try it out, and in the worst case scenario would it be alright to just neuter /one/ if I absolutely have to?


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