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Kozi's Journal
Moving.. Ah, I'm tired now!

Dec 8, 2011

 Moving.. Ah, I'm tired now!

I just wanted to give a head's up.

I'm from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.. In June I moved down to Tampa, Florida to help out some family. We needed to stay with them to help out for medical reasons.. So, I quit my job, we packed our stuff up and drove ourselves and our fuzzies to Tampa, Florida to help them out. Well, long story short.. things didn't go as planned, promises were broken, we lost a LOT of money(and ended up wasting more on a car that was supposed to have been maintained) and eventually I came to the conclusion that it isn't healthy for us to be staying here. Mostly on an emotional level. Thankfully my parents have a rather large house in the Racine area and they're willing to take myself and all the fuzzies in until we can get back on our feet, job/house-wise. So now, December, I'm moving back to stay with my parents for a while to get things started back on the right track. Eventually I'll be looking for another place of my own in the Milwaukee County area, more likely than not.

So, moral of the story is.. We were in Wisconsin, then Florida, and now back to Wisconsin. We will stay in Wisconsin. I learned my lesson in this, family is indeed family, but sometimes you have to put yourselves before even family to keep your sanity and health.

Here's hoping everything goes well with the move next week.

Thanks for reading. <3


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Gender: Female
Member since: Apr 22, 2010
Posts: 1278
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We've got four joeys in pouch! x3
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I'm the woman behind Kozi Gliders. I take care of the little ones, run the website, facebook page, etc. We're currently working towards becoming a USDA licensed breeder, but for now we're doing it on more of a hobby-scale with few breeding pairs. We're hoping to be able to bring some lovely and sweet little family additions to you guys in the near future! I'm also hoping to spread knowledge about Sugar Gliders and what wonderful pets they can make if given the proper attention and care as well as trying to spread general awareness! You'd be surprised how many people have never even seen a glider before! (We're located in Racine, Wisconsin!)


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