I'm one month in with my little Apple and last night my son was holding her in his shirt doing his homework and she decided to go for a walk. As always he was in a closed room with the door shut but he alerted me because he was concerned. I quietly entered the room and when I spoke her name and rang her favorite bell she looked for me and can running.. YEAH!! (he was so jealous, I was secretly doing a HAPPY DANCE!!) Awe making progress!! She still gets really jumpy if you go to pet her quickly she prefers the back of your hand and very slow motions. Later in the evening she and I had fun again, I was arranging her nightly toys and she had awoken early to investigate, as I hung the monkeys or tied up pieces of fleece she would knock them down or hang upside down on them. She would sneak over and bump my arm or hand, nibble my finger and then jump away... :) Great night!