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Leela's Journal

Jul 5, 2014


I put a new stuffed animal in Miss Leela's house, it was rather big but she loved it, however i moved it and had it to close to her running wheel causing her wheel to not move. She was not pleased!! and i couldn't tell why, she was doing laps around her house ending with jumping on her wheel to try to free it up but it wasn't working. Once i realized it wasn't moving i opened the door to move the stuffed animal and out Leela came!! i was a little worried she'd bolt but she didn't, she went around on the outside of her house... i didn't want to scare her so i offered her the bonding pouch and to my surprise she went right in!! i was so proud of her!! fortunately there were a few cheerios in her pouch which i had forgotten about, she found immediately lol so she got rewarded for being so good.

later on after i feel asleep she started doing laps in her house again Darrin couldn't figure out what was wrong, then he noticed her bonding pouch wasn't in her hammock (i usually put it in there for her in case she gets cold)so he put it up to the side and she started pulling it in between the bars lol. He finally got it put inside her cage and she was happier!

This morning she decided she didn't want to be in her pouch.. she discovered my sweatshirt sleeve!! Thank god she has gotten better about not biting lol she played in my sleeve for about a half hour then snuggled in next to my arm for a nap. guess i'm not doing dishes till later lol


Dec 09 2014 : 06:46:00 AM
12/8/20014 Leela is in coming into maturity!! she is in her first heat. Or at least her visibly noticeable heat!!

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