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LuckyGlider's Journal
Health Stuff

Nov 8, 2007

 Health Stuff

We took a stool sample in for GummyBoo today and we have our fingers crossed he checks out OK. Just routine for new rescues.

Butch and Doodle go in tomorrow for their neuters. We drop them off in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. Wish them good luck!


Dec 06 2012 : 05:44:25 PM
Well Church that was many years ago. GummyBoo was adopted out to a family in Las Vegas and so far as we know since we moved from there three years ago he is doing fine. Butch is part of the "C" colony and is doing fine. He is a pet who took the trip with us to TX. Same for Doodle who is part of the "D" colony. Both of them are healthy and getting along with their respective cagemates. Thanks for asking!

Dec 05 2012 : 03:42:49 PM
How's little GummyBoo doing now, along with the other two?

Nov 10 2007 : 02:01:00 PM
good luck babies! I will be waiting to hear updates.

Nov 10 2007 : 10:05:21 AM
Good luck, little guys!!

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Gender: Male
Occupation:non-profit glider rescue, author, inventor, human factors
Member since: May 17, 2007
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"Lucky Glider Rescue and Sanctuary" a 501(c)3 Non-Profit and Public Charity Direct Phone: 903-482-6026 Toll Free Phone: 877-504-5145 Toll Free Fax: 877-738-7099 General email: Ed's personal email:


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