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Apr 15, 2010


Does anyone have any thoughts on the amount of natural diasters and occurrences lately? We have had many earthquakes in a short amount of time, giant meteors, volcanic activity, ect. Do you think I'm over-reacting or is something going on? WILL 2012 REALLY BE THE END!?! Sorry, sarcasm... I just really hope I don't bite down into that sarcasm when 2012 gets here..


Apr 24 2010 : 03:24:49 PM
I have so many mixed feelings about the whole 2012 thing. It doesn't really make sense and I'm going to feel really stupid if the Mayans(sp) didn't add on to the calender anymore because they just ran out of rock or became lazy. Who knows. The fear of the unknown is very powerful. I want to have a family, I want to experience graduating from college in 2012 and get a job, and I really hope I haven't studied my whole life for it just to end in 2012. Blah.

Apr 24 2010 : 10:43:18 AM
I agree. The whole 2000 thing.. never came. Im not affraid of it either all though it bothered me for a while. but i just told myself that it would happen one day anyways. wether i was here or not.. it would happen to a lot of people. We will just have to wait and see when 2012 gets here. On thursday at my school we had earth day and some of us got some gloves and trash bags and went outside to pick up trash and youd be surprised how many people sat down instead of helping. but it was optional. It's sad also because my neice would only be about 2.. her life just begining

Apr 23 2010 : 04:10:46 PM
Things have been getting worse, but we are treating the planet worse too. Not sure about if 2012 is going to be it? I hope not, but not afraid if it is either. There have been SO many different guesses about what is going to happen, but then there were tons of people saying that 2000 was going to be it, and here were are....

Apr 23 2010 : 02:48:05 PM
I think it's a possibility. But then again i havent checked into all the diasters much. Who knows? when it comes it comes. we will all die eventually.

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Occupation:PacSun Sales Rep, College Student.
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"Times doesn't stand still and you shouldn't either."
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I am currently a 23 year old college student at the University of South Alabama majoring in Criminal Justice and Behavoiral Psychology. My pets are my world. :). If you have any questions about me or my pets, please don't be shy. :)


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