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Mar 11, 2009

 PVC cage references on the forum and elsewhere.

Catman has several pictures in his album of the cages he has made. Catman’s forum album is here:

and another one is here:

Catman explains some of his work in this thread:

and this thread:

Catman has a good picture of just a pvc cage frame in this thread, as well as the sort of latch he used:

ea74706 built a cage and has pictures in the following thread, Catman posted additional pictures with ideas for the inside of the cage:

Additional pictures of ea74706's cage are to be found in this album:!&mid=4132&cid=588

Streetdoc built a cage as well, a picture is located in this thread here:

Additional pictures of the cage can be found in streetdoc's album here:

Athalus built a PVC cage, as shown in this thread:

PurpleConverse built a cage as well, in this thread:

Purpleconverse has more pictures in their album, here:

Here’s the cage I built just looking at Catman’s pictures:

A few more pictures can be found in my album, here:

A thread on how the hinges are made is located here:

This website has instructions for a pvc iguana cage:[url]
/>lovely1inred provided this link in this thread:

These websites have been referenced as a good place to get specialty pvc joints that the common construction and home improvement stores don't carry:


These websites were referenced in this thread:

This website has been referenced as a place to get cheaper hardware mesh:

It was referenced in this thread:

Mar 10, 2009

 A grudgingly responsible decision and a date to be snipped.

So I found a friend for D’argo and am going to get her on Thursday. The more irrational part of me wants to leave D’argo intact and let them have cute little joeys and for the world to be euphoric and happy and utopian!

Though you guys really don’t know me, I’m going to be rational this time and D’argo is getting neutered on April 22nd. It’s a little far away, I would rather have done it sooner, but oh well… It should cost me about $100, so not too bad. The other vet I called quoted me around $300!

The other reason I’m getting D’argo snipped is that there is a good possibility he and the one I’m picking up on Thursday are siblings. They were bought at the same petstore the same summer.

I’m slightly worried because I’m going to have to ‘quarantine’ them in the same room, I really don’t have the space to keep them in separate areas of my little house. I’m hopping my husband will let me buy the cage she’s in right now from the guy so I won’t have to put her in the little cage D’argo came to us in.

According to the owner she’s had a recent vet check and was found to be healthy, so I really only have to worry about D’argo making her sick, I guess?

I’m not quite sure ho to juggle this one, but I feel like the sooner D’argo has a friend the better off and healthier he will be.

Mar 7, 2009

 Getting used to each other!

So D'argo, once named Buddy, came to live with my husband and I last week. He was in a small bird cage - 18"x18"x22" and really only came out of his pouch to eat. I started calling him my 'sugar poucher' because he seemed like he barely knew how to jump, let alone glide!

He's doing much better now and is starting to become pretty hyper. We've been trying a variety of foods with him, and so far he likes:

rehydrated freeze-dried strawberries
green beans
meal worms
turkey baby food
scrambled eggs
boiled chicken
yellow squash
bell peppers
Zoo Keepers Secret

He doesn't seem to like:

rehydrated freeze-dried bananas
sweet potato baby food

I'm basically doing a 50% protein 25% fruit 25% veggie diet. I'm going offer Zoo Keepers Secret at all times in small amounts. I'm also going to provide nectar.

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