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Pausing the introductions

Nov 17, 2011

 Pausing the introductions

I think things went too fast for them. I had felt it would be better to meet and greet sooner rather than later because I wanted them in the same cage over Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm going home for both weeks and the girl next door will be caring for them; I'd feel better if she only had to think about one cage and one set of meals but I think Lele is just too traumatized right now.

If I anthropomorphized the situation, I'd say Lele is like the little kid who thinks the whole world is picking on him and reacts accordingly. Judah appears to be a bully but Lele was standoffish even with Anson who wants nothing more in the world than to sleep and eat and run in his wheel. If Judah was human and could understand, he'd get SUCH a spanking for being such a turd but as it is, I just have to keep them separated until they decide they can be friends.

Laki, Lele and Anson spent last night together in the big cage so they got to play with the Stealth and Custom Cruiser and have more room to bounce around in while Judah took a time out in the smaller cage but everyone is in their normal cages for now. Laki and Lele crabbed up a storm while I was moving them -- the clatter was probably too much for Anson because he came out of the pouch looking for somewhere else to nap so let him go back to the main cage where he crawled into Judah's pouch with nary a peep.

In the meantime, I moved Laki and Lele's cage away from the main cage so Judah can't intimidate them through the wire mesh. It's still in the same room so they get accustomed to the sights and sounds and smells but they'll get some relief from Judah.


Nov 27 2011 : 03:20:10 PM
I just meant if she had an emergency :) It's great you have someone you can trust! Certainly makes going away much less stressful.

Nov 24 2011 : 01:41:15 AM
Thanks for the offer. I believe we DO live in the same city but she's looked after them before -- they're actually pretty low maintenance as long as they're getting fed. Both cages have 3 sources of water in them and additional dry food "just in case" and I steam cleaned both cages just before I left. I think I just have to let them get accustomed to each other's smell and take it slower. Judah was being a bit of a bully but his first reaction was to try to jump out of the tub and use me as a tree to get away from the other two so I wonder a little about whether his bullying was an overreaction to being scared by them. He was always the crabber and fraidy cat of my two originals.

Nov 23 2011 : 10:03:40 PM
If your neighbor needs any help, she's welcome to contact me. (I think we live in the same city) I won't be around for Christmas either though. BUT, if she needs anything this weekend, I'm here!

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