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Oct 14, 2012

 A Quick Hello! :)

I have been reading the forums for the last two weeks and realized that we haven't been properly introduced! Hello, my name is Rachel :)
Brief(ish) story: I was born in Oregon, have lived in Alaska (twice), Oregon (twice), Washington, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, Tennessee (twice - also, I claim this as my home), South Carolina, South Korea, and Colorado (my current residence). "Why?" you may ask - military. Born into it, raised in it, joined it, then married it... that may have sounded weird. Father was Army, I grew up and joined the Army, met my husband in Korea (who was in the Army), was medically discharged, and married him shortly after. My super awesome amazing husband cooks like no other - did I mention he recently kicked cancer's sorry keister? We have the most low-maintenance kid on the continent who has cried all of four times in her life. She has recently become mobile (cue the horror music) and it is so fun chasing her all day. We have a 35-pound dog named Kate (after a character in our favorite show, Castle).
My husband and I were recently told due to the chemo our only options for growing our family are fertility treatments or adoption, and since fertility treatments are risky and expensive, and it is horrible to find an adoption agency that is both military AND cancer friendly (and did I mention it's REALLY expensive?), we are choosing to stick with fur babies. We have wanted this for a while, and now that I can stay home and he will be home for quite a while longer it is a more realistic option.
Things to know about me: Wanna see a picture of me? Grab a dictionary and look up the word "awesome" - then roll back a little till you find "a$$" and I'll be there. :D Seriously, I'm a fairly easy-going person. My husband and I are Buddhist so very few things get to me. One quick way to do it - harm through blatant stupidity/negligence. I cannot stand unnecessary violence, and there is only one scenario where it's okay to hurt a kid or animal: zombie apocalypse. Other than that, I become a very bad Buddhist when I hear of harm to animals (or kids).
I respect everyone's freedom of speech (I am proud to say I once defended it and my husband still does) and I wish people would respect it enough to use it more intelligently (petty arguments rather than uplifting/intelligent conversation to better the world).
I am very new to the glider community (until about a month ago I didn't even know a community existed! I just liked to read facts on the sugar gliders themselves - I'm amazed I didn't run across this site sooner), and I am very eager to learn from the experts :) Please feel free to share your stories (good and bad), lessons learned, and general tips on glider care. I hope to be a lifelong member of this wonderful community.
OH, one more thing - HOW I became interested in gliders. When I was seven, we had a loss in the family and my sisters and I were very down. My dad had a friend from his recruiting station come see us and he brought a special little friend of his - a glider! It was the first one I had ever laid eyes on. His name was Pip. I specifically remember my dad telling me that morning that his friend would be over, but couldn't come till the evening because the "friend" he was bringing was nocturnal. The friend explained bright sunlight would hurt Pip's eyes, and Pip liked to stay up and play at night. We got to feed him fruit pieces and watch him glide from my dad's shoulder back to his owner. It was amazing. The memory has never left me. Only recently did I see another one - those vile PPP jerks came to my mall. I'd never even HEARD of this group and there was something shady about them. My dad's friend's words kept playing in my head: "He likes to sleep during the day - the sun burns his little eyes." I am not am impulse buyer so I came home and did some digging - and found you guys! Thank goodness, too. This has been so educational and I hope to keep growing my (limited) knowledge through this group. Also, I found someone on here who will have joeys OOP I should be meeting with soon. YAY! I get to be a mommy (again) soon!

 About Me

Gender: Female
Occupation:Stay-at-home mommy
Member since: Oct 1, 2012
Posts: 55
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My Hobbies
I love to spend time with my husband, daughter, and puppy, crochet jewelry and afghans, read, prepare for zombie apocalypse/economic downfall through education, and read about suggies :D
My News
My husband was declared cancer free on Wednesday, October 11, 2012 after numerous surgeries and chemotherapy. My beautiful daughter just turned 7 months old and is so precious.
My Bio
I am 21, have three younger sisters, an amazing husband and daughter, and a wonderful family. I served two years in the Army (35H) before being medically discharged and am now a stay at home mommy and loving life :)