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Rest In Peace, My Little Barbie Doll

Nov 3, 2007

 Rest In Peace, My Little Barbie Doll

Today is a very sad day,and Im feeling devastated as I lost another one of my beloved dogs, Barbie. Barbie was 11 1/2 years old and has been battling diabetes and cushings for almost 2 years. She has been very brave thru it all, enduring 2 shots of insulin and other medications on a daily basis.

I also have Barbie's mother, Brandy and on the day Barbie and her sister, Bonnie were born - May 3, 1996 - I was there with her as she took her first breath of life. Brandy had to have an emergency c-section on a Sunday afternoon and it was just me and the vet. I was right there in the operating room while the c-section was performed. He handed Barbie to me and I rubbed her down until I heard that first little puppy sound - and shook her down to clear her nose - and held her to keep her warm while her sister was getting the same treatment with the vet.

She is an American Kennel Club, National and International Champion, of which Im very proud of. Ch. RRR's Baguette Diamont. Barbie and I traveled all over the US to dog shows and grooming competitions. She had a beautiful coat and a gorgeous little face and a very charming personality - so it wasnt difficult to win both the dog shows and the grooming competitions with her. People were drawn to her everywhere we went.

I am also just as proud that she was such a little trooper during her last couple of years. She would actually let me know when it was time for her insulin shots. She eventually lost her eye sight and was totally blind - but she adjusted. I never knew how terribly smart she was until then. She knew what "step-up", "turn left or right", "stop" and numerous other commands meant so she could pretty much walk along with us with out any problems. And she learned to use the other dogs as her eyes and they understood and helped her . She was truly incredible

At the end, it was again Barbie, the vet and me. Im so thankful I was able to hold her as she took her last breath.

Barbie is survived by her mother - Brandy, sister - Bonnie, son - Buddy, and her niece and nephew - Bailey & Babette.

And of course, Alan & I - who love her and will miss her dearly.

Rest In Peace, My Little Barbie Doll


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Member since: Jun 27, 2006
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Watching American Idol, Movies, computer surfing, spending time with my animal babies and my family
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I am the grandmother of Drew, who is 10years old and Harry & Rosie (twins) who are 2 months old. They are the loves of my life!
Favorite Quote
"Some people are like Slinkies...USELESS, but they still make you smile when you push them down a flight of stairs!"
My Bio
Have 3 Bichon Frise, a sulpher-crested cockatoo and 4 Sugar Gliders


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