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RunningCantalope's Journal
new cage

Jan 30, 2008

 new cage

I had the most wonderful and huge cage in mind that looked great on paper but didn't transfer well :( it'll do for a temp. cage but It jsut wont stand the test of time :( so now I must go back to lowes and use wood rather than pvc-I would warn anyone that reads this and ever considers constructing their own cage-do it right the first time and use wood. Then again, it could just be me...and I could just suck at building things...anyway-they seem thankful for the additional 2 feet, so they can live in peace in their wobbley new home until i get the wood needed...I found those edible logs, and loki (my male) is having a great ol time as sif ( his GF) is eating all their applesauce...I think she's gonna have a baby. (with hope ^.^) and if i could make any other reccomendation is to get your gliders the weeble treehouse-mine love it. HA! I also have a pet cat, pear (shes fat) and she is terrified/curious about loki and sif. but loki likes to scare the crap outta her by jumping on her back and riding her like a wild horse...until shes able to do a frantic death roll knocking loki off as I coem running and she scampers away and doesn't come back until they are on my sholder or in their cage....*sigh* thank god shes not an agressive cat..I dont know what I would do if she ever tried to hurt them. But sure enough, its never even come close. Now all I have to worry about is that second new cage and gettign them to eat their mealworms! <near to impossible....*sigh*


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Gender: Female
Member since: Jan 14, 2008
Posts: 52
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My Hobbies
Fencing, Horse-back riding, painting, running, larping, sleeping, and of course, playing with my suggies-loki and sif.
Favorite Quote
"life is like a roll of toilet paper, some day your gonna run out..."


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