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bholland7's Journal
Our new addition!

Aug 7, 2010

 Our new addition!

We have adopted another sugar glider. Her name was Crabby, we have renamed her Bella. She comes to us from Rebecca in the Ellenington area. Rebecca recued her from a very unclean and undercared for place. She had a fecal smear done and all is well. She has spent about three weeks nursing her to better health.

Bella is very wheel protective and we found out she is pouch protective to. The trip home with her was very stressful for her. There was lots of crabbing. We already had a cage setup and ready to go. So she is now settling in and we are hopeful she will adjust to us OK. She did eat some of her dinner last night too. We will start the bonding process in a few days to let her settle in with us first. We hope to start intro's to our other gliders within a few months.

My other babies are doing great. I feel we are bonding at a fast rate compared to some of of the stories on the forum. All my babies will sit on my and Kneo will fly onto me and off. They are all taking treats from my hands now. Some personities are coming through. Kneo is my clown and is the most playful. Pickles is the cuddly one. Gizmo is still just a bit shy but very playful. Trinity is my challenge, she is very shy and scares easily.

Kneo has been nurtered. Recovery has been easy so far. He is still very playful and does not even notice that he has been fixed. He missed the girls so much we are letting them all together for playtime till he can be back in the cage with the girls.


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Occupation:Volunteer at Local library
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