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Please help

Jan 5, 2019

 Please help

Hello! Im a mother of 2 sugar gliders, and once in awhile they will have babies so I know the first batch of joeys usually pass away, but I have had 4 batchs of joeys and only the 2nd one survived. She keeps on abandoning them I was wondering if anyone could help beacause she is pregnant and I really don't want to lose these ones so please comment and help.


Jan 08 2019 : 02:28:45 PM
precisely, which is why i asked so many questions... there can be many reasons, if they feel their space or ressources are too limited, they won't raise the joeys, hence if the cage is too small or if the food is not nutritious enough, lacks proteins or in too few quantity... boredom can have the same effect one last possible reason is that there is a genetic problem with the joeys....

Jan 08 2019 : 10:47:03 AM
diet?, stress?, cage?, toys?, bonded/friendly?. I think first you should have your male neutered. Second make sure you have proper diet. but here is not the best place, buy a book, get to glider webpage that has LOTS of info on joeys!!! go to gliderpedia/breeding on this webpage/ go to facebook group with many experienced people, go to "(many experience owners there also)

Jan 06 2019 : 02:27:03 PM
hello. Howw big is their cage, what is their setting and what diet are they eating?

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