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My Heart Melted

Apr 16, 2010

 My Heart Melted

I have had my gliders since February 14th 2010. At first Ziggy wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with me and would crab, lunge, and attack any time I went near him. These past couple of weeks, Ziggy has been hopping all over me during tent time and coming to greet me in the cage when I stick my hand in or when I'm on the outside of the cage just saying hi.

Last night, I was doing tent time with my two little boys and Max still is on the opposite side of the tent as me and he hides under the blanket that I put down (clearly still working on him bonding to me). Ziggy thought it would be a good idea to fall asleep in my legs (I was sitting cross-legged). I wanted to try and put my hand under him to see if he would sleep in my hand and low and behold he did! He was letting me rub his belly and every time he woke up he would just look up at me and fall back to sleep. I seriously could not believe how sweet this was and my heart absolutely melted because all my hard work has paid off. He clearly loves me just as much as I love him <3 As much work as gliders are, I really am getting used to everything and I am so happy that I am finally seeing HUGE progress. Ziggy is my little baby and even though he came from PPP, I am so happy I gave him a loving, caring home where I know he's safe.

Hopefully Max will be next, if not, I'll understand. Just like every person has their own personalities, I can tell every glider has their own personalities.

Just figured I'd post this little update :)


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