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marissa1987's Journal
rissa and tada

Mar 31, 2012

 rissa and tada

we got ta da today 10 am rissa was with use i think tada heard rissa chatting but ta da stood quiet the entire way home. tada hasn't wooken up all day. I have been trying to get rissa into my hand instead of holding her in her blanky. i hope my babies get along. We got thier HPW diet today, and thoer wheel and i put rissa in it and she loves it, the big cage is comming tuesday cant wait! i alrady feel that ta da and I are going to get along. ta da is a bit bigger then rissa. ta da's nose is more present then rissa i can tell them apart. they wont meet for anouth 30 days but they can talk to each other. aww


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Gender: Female
Member since: Mar 18, 2012
Posts: 27
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My Hobbies
art, swimming, writting, playing COD on my PS3,loveing my babies
My News
i now have rissa and ta da


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