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migo's Journal

Dec 29, 2013

 Petco Adventures

I've learned this from experience. Taking your glider to petcopetsmart is actually really fun. I made sure to stay away from other animals and kept him in his pouch or on a leash upon my shoulder. Everyone is so curious about them. It's quite funny!

Dec 29, 2013

 Petco Adventures

I've learned this from experience. Taking your glider to petcopetsmart is actually really fun. I made sure to stay away from other animals and kept him in his pouch or on a leash upon my shoulder. Everyone is so curious about them. It's quite funny!

 About Me

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Member since: Dec 28, 2013
Posts: 7
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My Hobbies
Video editing, music, animals, cars
My Bio
Hello my name is Alex, I have one glider named Amigo! (migo for short) He's about a year old and very happy.