I have had my two sugar gliders for about 3 months now. I can say that our bond is really good! But one of my gliders craps and nips all the time. When I say she nips she doesn't bite really hard and it does not hurt that bad, but I would like it to stop. How can I teach her not to do this? And for the crabbing. She basically crabs when I am taking her out of her cage, unzipping or opening up pouches, and reaching in the pouch to scoop one up. She has never tried to bite me or lunge at me when this is happening. She just crabs really loudly and visiously, but once I get her and start giving her treats she stop and is completely fine. She like to be around me and likes to play with me its just when opening things up at reaching for them. My other glider is completely fine with it and basically never crabs or nips. Please give me tips on how to change this!