It's utterly amazing how I actually have a sugar glider. I am inlove with her. Shes a beautiful, loyal majstic animal. I almost actually bought her a friend, intill I saw the price. I was at a flea market, and well, we all know, that usually the ones there, aren't treated right, fed right, and so on. I looked in a cage, in a small room, cause, I thought there would be something cute and small in there. There was a glider, a feret, and something that looked like another sugar glider, but.. honestly, I couldn't even tell. It's so sad to see how they're treated before sold. Then, a lady was selling all types of rats, hamsters, and what nots. She at least kept them in seperate cages. I was asking her about what she feeds her Sugar gliders.. She feeds hers cat food. Infact, she told me she fed all of her rodents cat food.... it wa so sad. I hope all of you know not to treat your babies that bad. I know there are so many good mommys. They are all on this site!