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sierranevadaK's Journal
3 more days!

May 9, 2012

 3 more days!

Just three more days until I go to pick up this little girl. I'm so dang excited! (:
Rue needs his friend immediately!

Though he may be feeling lonely, his fur is looking so much better since starting HPW Instant. His tail is so fluffy and his cracks are diminishing. I'm glad that my little guy is on a healthy diet and improving.


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 About Me

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Gender: Female
Occupation:Working part time at our local zoo.
Member since: Dec 31, 2011
Posts: 804
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Bringing home a mosaic female in July! (:
My Bio
Hi, I'm Sierra! I'm 19. I live out in the country with lots of animals. I've been around animals my entire life and was introduced to Rue, my first glider, the December of 2011. My boyfriend's (at the time) younger brother wanted a glider for Christmas. His mother bought Rue from a local breeder. After only a week, the kid (11) was tired of him. The whole family was "scared" of his crabbing noise. They also believed that he was okay with just some pellets and apples. He was also in a little tiny cage in the dining room. Since he was in the family "hang out", it was constantly loud with dogs barking and a two-year old screaming. I would come over every other night and hold Rue. I would take him into the bathroom where it was quiet and just feel sorry for him. It became time that they decided they would sell him on Craigslist. I didn't want the little guy, who I had come to love, just going to any stranger. So I instantly volunteered to take him. I brought him home in his little cage. He didn't have a pouch or any toys, just a sock. I held the sock close to me all day while I researched all that I could about gliders. I purchased a large cage, lots of toys, pouches, and got him on a good diet. It wasn't long before I got him a little cage-mate, Lively (Liv) and they had two joeys! Felix and Baxter. Felix has recently passed away and Baxter went to live with my friend and her lone glider. Now Rue and Liv have two more joeys (were held in stasis). They're two females.


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