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Monday 2/9: Success at last!

Feb 9, 2009

 Monday 2/9: Success at last!

Keeping on with introduction of Washi and Shikoni. For the last week there has been no fighting, but they had essentially been ignoring each other. This morning:

Getting Washi into the second pouch proved to be a great challenge. He just wouldn't go in, he was running around all over the outside of his cage and even leapt over to Shikoni's cage. When I finally got him he fought me and bit savagely! I basically shoved him into the pouch, got Shikoni out (he's always willing) and off we went.

Once in the bathroom, Shikoni made immediately for the door which is his playground. Washi however stayed on my shoulders, wouldn't get off me for anything. Shikoni kept coming back and then running off again. Finally after about ten minutes Washi crept onto the towel and disappeared into the folds. Shikoni was already there. They stayed there for at least forty-five minutes, I could see the cloth shaking as they moved around. I tried to leave them alone, but every now and then I would peek in and see them close together, sniffing at each other, possibly grooming though I didn't bring them out into the light to make sure. The only noises I heard were the clicking and small chirps.

Well, at about 4:20 my cat started really fussing, he needed his breakfast and then outside! now! so I managed to get Washi into the pouch again without getting bit; Shikoni immediately followed. The only previous time they had been in a pouch together it led to a fight instantly; not today! I took them into their room and opened Shikoni's cage, he jumped in and Washi was right behind him. I stayed and watched; Washi went exploring with Shikoni right behind him. They visited the water dish together! I took care of Domino, poor patient kitty, and went back into the room. Turned on the lamp for light, they're running around and playing. I've left them in there, it's been over half an hour now and there's been not one single fussing sound. I just went and checked; they're in the pouch together!

I'll give them a little while and then get Washi back into the cage with Kioko. Don't want Kioko to suffer separation anxiety. I'll keep up with Washi and Shikoni every morning, giving them play time probably in Shikoni's cage, then put Washi back with his brother.

Next Sunday when I have unlimited morning time I'll start bringing Kioko into the mix, starting in the bathroom again. It'll be a Sunday and Monday thing until they are all three getting along well; but it looks like we're on the way of having an all-male colony of three.


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Gender: Female
Member since: Oct 29, 2008
Posts: 2962
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My Hobbies
I work in horticulture for a good-sized city, so any gardening -- I love to read and work HARD crosswords -- also draw and paint.
My News
Kioko and Washi came to live with me on 11/23/08: five-year old brothers. As of February '09, we're having great luck with bringing them all together into one happy little colony.
Favorite Quote
1) ...I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. ... Big, undreamed-of things --- the people on the edge see them first. Kurt Vonnegut, "Player Piano" 2) Beauty fades, dumb is forever -- Judge Judy, almost daily
My Bio
Very old, b. 1957 in New Martinsville, WVa. Live in Central Texas now. I'm Mother to Ophelia, a 4-foot ball python; Domino, a regular cat; and Shikoni, Washi and Kioko, three lively gliders; and Step-Mother to Mike, a 13-year old former stray yellow shepherd. We and other humans all live together in quite surprising harmony.


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