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snusie's Journal
Sunday 1/11

Jan 11, 2009

 Sunday 1/11

Haven't posted in a while, still not much new to record.

Still giving Shikoni his medicine, though I've changed the timing of it. Instead of .01 three times a day, I'm giving him .015 twice a day. It works a lot better for both of us. I had been giving him the amoxy when I get home, about 4:30 - 5:00; then at midnight, and again before I leave for work: about 4:30 0 5:00 a.m. I was really hard for me to get up at midnight and still get up in the morning, and he really hates the syringe thing. So now I give it to him when I get home and again just before I get ready for work. The important thing is that he keeps the antibiotic in his system, and that it's given regularly, and that the daily dose is correct. His appetite is still not completely back to normal, he usually eats all his meat and just a little fruit, most of the veg. I'm not giving him the full meal yet, not until I see a clean bowl two days in a row. He's not really fond of the Nutrical either, but I make sure he gets some every day, a couple of CCs anyway. He's much more energetic, and still loves his bugs: crickets this morning, yum yum! His droppings are a little soft and dark, probably a side effect from the Amoxy. Definitely not diarrhea.

Another problem with this whole thing is that he's starting to associate me with the syringes. That's perfectly natural, of course. I'm trying to mix it up, give him playtime before and after the medicine. That seems to be helping, though he really doesn't like the kitchen now, since that's where I take him for the dosing. I sure don't want him to associate the syringes with the bathroom, since that's where we play most often.

Kioko and Washi are fine health-wise. I haven't spent as much time with them this week as usual. They are starting to get on my hand when I open the cage, and they let me pet them, both in and out of the pouch. I haven't been able to do playtime with them; early morning is taken up with Shikoni and it's been shorter than usual due to having to get up in the middle of the night. But I've got their pouch on my lap right now. There was just a little but of fussing from Kioko, Washi of course let me pet him. I'll keep them with me all day.

I've taken Rita's advice (of course!) and I'm giving them treats in the syringe. They really like the Nutrical; I've also given them guava juice (diluted) and applesauce.

I really need to get a tent! I've got to get them all three together first, since the second cage is in the only space I have for setting one up. Delays, delays, delays ... and ... patience, patience, patience! It'll happen one day.


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Gender: Female
Member since: Oct 29, 2008
Posts: 2962
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My Hobbies
I work in horticulture for a good-sized city, so any gardening -- I love to read and work HARD crosswords -- also draw and paint.
My News
Kioko and Washi came to live with me on 11/23/08: five-year old brothers. As of February '09, we're having great luck with bringing them all together into one happy little colony.
Favorite Quote
1) ...I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center. ... Big, undreamed-of things --- the people on the edge see them first. Kurt Vonnegut, "Player Piano" 2) Beauty fades, dumb is forever -- Judge Judy, almost daily
My Bio
Very old, b. 1957 in New Martinsville, WVa. Live in Central Texas now. I'm Mother to Ophelia, a 4-foot ball python; Domino, a regular cat; and Shikoni, Washi and Kioko, three lively gliders; and Step-Mother to Mike, a 13-year old former stray yellow shepherd. We and other humans all live together in quite surprising harmony.


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