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suggie_mom's Journal

Oct 29, 2009

 Is it Rude to Pick Favorites?

I give an equal amount of attention to each of my suggies. (of course one will get an extra treat here/there) And I was wondering this morning if it's rude to pick a favorite. Neither of them is really my favorite forever, just until it bites me, and then the other's my favorite. -And then when that one bite's me the other's my favorite again, lol. (My suggies don't actually bite, just using that as an example.)

Oct 26, 2009

 Good Bye, Pellet's.

I have officialy, completely, and totally removed pellet's from my suggies diet.

I think this was a good choice, and i'm glad i'm learning thing s like this are bad on this website, so I can become a better suggie owner. The more knowlodge I have, the happier my suggies can be!
Oct 26, 2009

 Seasons prove harder to find food :(

This is my first winter with my suggie's, and i've found that there are not nearly as many fruits in the grocery store! The only fruit they seem to have is apples and banana's. -Literally. Should I just give them vedgies and apples? Should I resort to baby food fruit until fruits in season...?
Oct 24, 2009

 Chrochet a pouch!

I've learned how to chrochet a pouch for my suggie bears! It's actually quite basic :) I can make one in about 1-2 hours depending on what mood i'm in... The day I was going to go get my glider's I made like five because I was so excited! LOL. I just have to line the inside so their nails don't snag. I love how I can pick the colors... I even chrocheted a few flowers to decorate the outside!
Oct 24, 2009


I've become used to each of my suggie brother's having their own blankie:)
It's really just a square of fleece, but to them, a VERY important piece of fleece! They carry it around everywhere with them. To the food bowl, toy's, Where ever else they go. Not to mention their pouch. During the day, if the blankie falls out of their pouch, my lazy suggies throw a fit until I get it for them! They're like, MOM! GET ME MY BLANKIE! Wash day is a true nightmare...!

 About Me

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Gender: Female
Occupation:I hope to be a physical therapist/rehabilitation specialist for animals, but for now, my occupation is school.
Member since: Oct 22, 2009
Posts: 345
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Favorite Quote
On the ultimate, and difficult journey go with me please. Never say you can't bare to watch. Everything is easier for me when you are there, for I love you so, and always will.
My Bio
In addition to my two sugar glider's I have a nine year old MALE Jack Russel Terrier named Digger, a MALE Pearl/Pied Cockatiel named Peter, a MALE 13 pound rabbit named Thumper. and yes, both of my sugar glider's are MALES. (Are you wondering why all of my pet's are males...? I don't know why. It just happened that way.)