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Choosing Nail Cutting Tool

Jan 2, 2013

 Choosing Nail Cutting Tool

For a long time now I have been using human nail clippers to cut my girls nails. I never thought much of the tool I used to do it until recently.

When I cut my girls nails with the standard nail clippers it started to really bother me that they would pull back as if it was uncomfortable after I cut a nail, they don't crab just retract.
After talking to Omis n Kais g-ma about it she got me a pair of the trimmers she uses. These are designed for cylindrical nails and are called claw scissors.

Right away I noticed that the retraction was absent while I cut nails with the scissors. It obviously was not uncomfortable for any of my four like the clippers were. On top of that I was not afraid of snipping off a toe or cutting off to much nail because I could easily see the white tip needing trimmed on the other side. So I decided to see how precise the cut would be on a larger object for both types of trimmers. I tried both trimmers out on an uncooked noodle and an eraser, for both cylindrical objects the claw scissors had cleaner cuts. This leaves me to believe that the tool needs to be used for it's intended shape, it actually matters, and the nails have less fabric catch when the correct tool is used.

The Claw Scissors made a difference. Since there is not so much discomfort when I cut the nails they don't retract so it takes less time, easy to see the nail tip that needs to be cut, and the cleaner cut doesn't catch fabrics as much as the rough cut does.


Jan 09 2013 : 11:09:27 PM
Thank you for sharing i message to buy these ASAP lol

Jan 06 2013 : 10:07:56 PM
Thanks, they are made by Millers Forge: Bird Claw Scissors I found them easily doing a quick search but I figured I would let you guys price match. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Jan 06 2013 : 04:29:30 PM
yes I would love to get a pair also where can I get them?

Jan 05 2013 : 10:39:43 PM
thank you for sharing these! do you know where i can get my olive a pair?

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