Subject: Re: Fur Missing
Posted by S on May 06, 1998 at 09:26:35:
In Reply to: Re: Fur Missing posted by Tara on May 05, 1998 at 22:36:28:
Roo/Tara I still wouldn't panic over the losing hair on its tail thing, I have heard about this problem many times on the internet over the years, but I have never really heard anybody's outcome other than my own experience. I know other people have gone through this-everybody always writes in in panic, but I have never seen any outcome responses when they found out what was wrong! When I decided to take my glider to the vet to check out the tail, she started growing the thick black fur and I didn't take her. If anybody else has encountered this problem, what was your outcome even if you don't know what caused it? Thanks for your advise Tara. :)
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