
Subject: Re: wild gliders
Posted by Bourbon on April 22, 1999 at 05:40:03:

In Reply to: wild gliders posted by sj on April 22, 1999 at 02:51:37:

Well there is a difference between "wild caught gliders" and "wild gliders" The pet shops generally sell wild gliders, which means the breeders they get them from doesn't handle them or work with them, sometimes the breeders will sell the petshop their problem gliders (thats the nippers, biters, neurotic, or traumatized gliders)
They are the less desirable ones that are often older and are not picked but the common buyer. The petshops do however have to have a USDA license to sell them, with that, they must also keep records as to who they got them from. Those people, also must be USDA licensed. I personally ask to see records, For the pet shop gliders that come in, I know where they get them from and how much they get them for. In the Usda regs, it says that if a petshop doesn't have the knowledge of a particular breed of exotic, the must be willing to bring someone in to teach the help, what is necessary for the best of the animal. The words wild gliders are often referred to as wild caught. Some people still import wild caught gliders, however most gliders now are of domestic lines. Wild Gliders take longer to bond and learn to trust..But they can still bond.

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