
Subject: Re: make a resume
Posted by katie on May 14, 1999 at 02:15:06:

In Reply to: Glider research posted by Susan on May 12, 1999 at 21:05:06:

Yeah, the barking can get loud...
but more importantly, make sure its O.K. with your landlord BEFORE hand. There is a good short article on the House Rabbit Society webpage abut making a resume for your animals to convince landlords of your responsible nature. Make no mistake about it, gliders are a much bigger committment than hedgehogs in terms of care.
You could make a resume of the pet you intend to get to better convince your landlord. Things you could include would be a veterinary reference, house-proofing precautions yu would take to insure the pet doesn't destroy anything, animal organizations you're a part of (or intend to be), and handouts that inform your landlord about the pet you want. Don't avoid the cons (like barking); be honest and explain logically and confidently in writing how you plan to deal with said cons.

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