
Subject: Re:
Posted by Bourbon on May 13, 1998 at 01:43:56:

In Reply to: posted by Xay on May 12, 1998 at 00:27:21:


I have an American Express glider. She goes EVERYWHERE with me and unlike some people, I spend ALOT of time with mine. mine spend about 5 hours in their cage but they love to come out and play.. they are creatures of habit so whatever you do make sure you do the same thing for bonding, if you want it to be a pocket pet for the next 8 years go for it but it is very important that the glider associates your person with nothing but plesantries.. Meal worms are good, so are live bugs feed him while he is in your pocket be sure that he sees you often and pet him often through your pocket. You say the bonding process is going slow but what have you accomplished so far. what is it you wish to accomplish? you already have it to the point it stays asleep in your pocket. so progress is already been made.. I remeber reading your posts when you first got him and you have already made great strides..but spend alot of time 1 on 1 in the evening as well as the day..

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