
Subject: Opps: cut & paste didn't work right... here's what he said in response to my concerns:
Posted by candiMI on June 22, 1999 at 18:12:59:

In Reply to: self neutering... "tie-off" method...anyone heard of this or done it? posted by CandiMI on June 22, 1999 at 18:10:35:

: This sounded awful to me, I worried about infection, pain etc etc etc... his responses: With regard to the issue of pain, I can only state that within moments of the tie
off procedure that the glider is acting completely normally -- being handled,
eating , etc.

The sac quickly turns purple. And, because of a lack of blood flow, it dies.
Before the sac falls off, the sac becomes dry and hard -- like a hang nail.
There is no open wound.

None of the gliders we have neutered has gnawed or "worried" at the tie.

Anesthetics may eliminate any immediate discomfort. But, the drug can cause
complications. And, the stitch have to "hurt" as much as the tie.

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