
Subject: Age
Posted by Lisa on June 29, 1999 at 15:18:14:

I have read so many postings from people with problems getting their "baby" gliders to eat. I don't assume to know much about this but some of these babies sound really young to be away from their parents to me. Mine were between 8 and 10 weeks oop before I got them and the breeder kept me posted every week on how they were doing and if they were ready yet. The decision was based on whether the glider was ready, not the breeder or the buyer. I thought mine seemed little but I can't imagine one half the age of mine. Mine were actually adolescents, not babies at all. And they have done just great. It sounds like some of these breeders are selling these little ones way too early. Not only is it bad(life-threatening) for the gliders, but the people adopting these babies are being lied to and taken advantage of. The transition for these little guys is hard enough without having it thrust upon them before they are physically ready. Like I said, I don't know alot about breeding but this doesn't seem right and it makes me angry.

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