
Subject: Re: THE LAW
Posted by Tara on June 30, 1998 at 01:04:19:

In Reply to: Re: THE LAW posted by Diana on June 29, 1998 at 03:48:48:

: : This may sound like a dumb question, but I'm gonna ask anyway. I read the post from Dave wondering about gliders in California, and two people responded "anonymously" because they are illegal in Cal. But, what's the penalty? Who is really going to know if a person has an illegal pet? Are there pet police who go door to door looking for contraband? I know I sound ornery but I think that there are better things to have laws against. I guess it would be hard to find a vet, but would they really turn someone in? I just don't understand it.

: : Thanks for reading my ranting!

: : Tara

: I can't speak for others but I would never take the chance of my Griz becoming ill and having to take him to another state to have him treated. I've read the horror stories of how people had to do this using their relative's (who live in the legal state) addreses. What if you don't have somone who lives in a legal state? do you want to take the risk of a vet turning you in and your pet being taken from you ? I've read that they destroy them! Granted I take the best care of my Griz, but I'd never take the risk of having him in a state where he was unwelcome. Gider love and nibbles, Diana

I totally agree with you on that. I would never risk my babies' health for selfish reasons. But, I just feel there are more important laws to enforce than something like this. Plus, there are many ferret owners in California who go out in public with thier pets and sign petitions and stuff. I'm sure some of them have had to go to the vet at some point, so what do they do? I hope that there would be vets out there who wouldn't turn someone in for that. I understand that there are laws because of unknown diseases from exotics, but besides that, I just don't understand why these dumb laws exist!
Thanks for responding, Tara!

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