
Subject: Re: Biting problems
Posted by Richard on January 24, 19100 at 11:20:29 from

In Reply to: Re: Biting problems posted by Cynthia on January 23, 19100 at 15:06:48:

Thid nipping is part of normal behavior for a glider, they do it to each other as well as you. I look at them like playful nippy puppies. I don't believe in negative reinforcement for this behavior, rather I use positive reinforcement like honey on my fingers or by hand feeding. I have 5 gliders and I feed all of their treats by hand and don't have a nipping problem except what I consider to be play bites. Ferrets have the same nippy behavior but negative reinforcement makes them meaner. I learned with both my ferrets and gliders that saying "no" works better. They eventually understand. Play with them a lot, feed them treats by hand and make them feel safe so that they trust you. This has always worked for me. Any of the nippy animals I have had like chinchillas, ferrets, and gliders have all become very sweet without being punished or negatively reinforced. Good luck, Richard.

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