
Subject: Re: lost foot!!! Guilt/warning... advice...
Posted by Cynthia on February 08, 19100 at 07:12:54 from

In Reply to: lost foot!!! Guilt/warning... advice... posted by CandiMI on February 05, 19100 at 17:09:32:

It is not just pouches, I have read many horror stories about loose strings or strings of fabric pulled by gliders nails. Most of these involved socks. The strings get wrapped around the legs and in their attempt to get free they wrap them tighter until they are like a tourniquet and they lose the leg. One glider lost its life by having the loose string get wrapped around it's neck like a noose and it strangled itself and died. I had one glider that did this in the stuffing of one of my pillows that had a ripped lining. Luckily I found her before any harm could come to her. The string from the stuffing was wrapped so tight around her neck that I had trouble getting a pair of bandage sizzors between it and her neck. She was crabbing though so I knew that she was getting air. We were lucky. Always supervise them closely, replace anything they might get tangled in. I also know one lady that had a glider to lose a foot because while cleaning her cage she knocked over one nest box while exchanging it for another. The gliders foot was crushed and had to be removed. She has done well with three feet as I hope that your glider will do.

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