Subject: Re: Abandoned baby died
Posted by Bourbon on February 27, 2000 at 18:27:38 from
In Reply to: Abandoned baby died posted by Patty on February 27, 2000 at 03:23:20:
Patty, I am so sorry about the first joey, there are a lot of things to consider here.. 1. the diet while carrying and nursing the young?if the diet of mom isn't strong in calcium and proteins.. lots of bugs.. it may be an issue.. are you feeding the leadbeaters? have you made any achanges to it? and which version are you using? 2. Is this definitly the father? if there is any problem, where this may not be the father, he won't accept any mans baby.. 3.could be some gentic defects..? there could be a line of gentic either the male or female.. could they be related? mothers have a 6th sense about things.. 4. separating the father may not be a good idea..if it is the father, then he will relieve mom, and give her a break, it is up to dad to keep them warm.
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