
Subject: Re: 3 things, ones VERY important..please please read!
Posted by Marmalito on July 27, 1998 at 23:16:37:

In Reply to: 3 things, ones VERY important..please please read! posted by Dina on July 27, 1998 at 19:09:18:

: When Brizzo sleeps she is a VERY VERY deep sleeper, like I thought she was dead cause i picked her up and looked at the small opening in her stomach, for heavens sakes I coulda even clipped her nails without problems. Is this normal??? It freaked me out so bad. Then she woke up when i started talking to her and she crabbed a bit.

This is very normal : )

: She twitches in her sleep. Like a leg will twich, then an arm and even her tail. She doesnt do it when shes awake. Her fur is clean, I thought maybe she had like fleas or something but her coat is perfectly clean. Please tell me if this is normal!!!

Again, yep! Perfectly normal.

: Last thing:
: Shes 11 weeks old and I was told shed be younger. People told me that she's going to be very hard to bond to.
: I spent 9 hours with her today. She let me pick her up, and pet her. She has yet to bite me. People said that she'll get worse when I feel like shes getting sooo much better and its only been one day. She only lunges for my hand when she sees it coming from far away. But if its up close she doesnt seem to mind at all. Is this going to get worse because shes older?

I don't think it will... sounds to me like you lucked out and got either a very tame glider, or one that has been handled a lot. Congratulations!

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