
Subject: Just wanted some opinions, or maybe its a discussion Im looking for. Not sure..
Posted by Kim on March 04, 2000 at 01:44:00 from

I had been bouncing around this thought in my head all night and thought Id post it. What would you guys think would be best for this?

Ok, here's the story..say you have a teen glider owner..say maybe between 18-20 years old. She is in college and has 1 female glider about a year old, she barely plays with it and doesnt exactly neglect it(or maybe she does) but its diet and overall care is pretty much just "ignore the glider". What would be best in this situation? Letting this lone girl suffer and die miserably by herself? Or this lousy, ignorant owner ending up getting another glider for the one she already doesnt care for? What Im saying is this..should this girl suffer by herself? Or should she have a mate to suffer with her, but have her be happy to have a mate? Would it be worth dragging another life into it so they can both be happy and possibly both die with each other? I dont know if maybe something is wrong with me tonight, or what but I honestly havent been able to answer this question truely. I am leaning more towards getting another mate and having him suffer too...but that seems to wrong to "waste(?- if you call it that in this situation?) another gliders life for one ignorant person. No, this isnt my situation but I am dealing with it(indirectly)...and just wanted some other views for speculation.

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