
Subject: Re: A serious heart to heart for the sake of our fuzzies
Posted by Id on March 09, 2000 at 11:39:11 from

In Reply to: Re: A serious heart to heart for the sake of our fuzzies posted by Kat on March 09, 2000 at 04:33:53:

What you wrote is exactly the reason why I wrote a question anon. I had a feeling that I would be attacked for even suggesting taking my glider camping. I wanted an answer but somehow it felt safer for me to be anon (which I did not know was against the rules). Even Bourbon used an anon a while back when she was trying to get info about a specific diet....I am still fuming about the attack I got from Kim. I guess I am still venting. Sorry.

: I can't say I've been here as long as you, but I do agree with you. Since I've been here the subject has slowly been turned from gliders to "who treats their gliders better", and "who is wrong and right". I don't come here as much anymore because of this. I really hate to say it, but I've been asking all my questions and posting all my ideas on another gliderchat message board, because I'm afraid my ideas will be attacked or people here will tell me I'm stupid and killing my glider. I know I'm not doing anything that would endanger the life of my glider, but it seems everytime someone puts something new up her, someone's got a reason why that person is horrible for doing it. If we cant agree on being nice, how can we EVER agree on taking care of our babies? As Shianne said, you guys can say all the mean things you want to me about this post, but I'm speaking from MY HEART, and I don't think you can ever discredit someone for that.
: Kat & Weedeil

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