
Subject: I have to agree to disagree here..
Posted by Bourbon on March 10, 2000 at 11:04:43 from

In Reply to: Re: Boy gliders vs girl gliders posted by geoff on March 10, 2000 at 08:11:19:

geoff, By the way, welcome...
I think lone gliders can live fine, as long as they have someone who is going to spend time with them, social yes, but you must remember that it is possible for a glider to fell just as safe, secure and happy, if "person" socializes with it as well.. I had a lone glider for awhile, did the introduction make her any happier? She seems no different, in fact she still prefers the company of myself, to the others in the home, as you have seen I am sure with the introductions of many lone gliders. Does it make her uneasy when he isn't around? NO, it doesn't, she is a 90's type girl, very independant, and would rather be with me, rather than her spouse. My daughter also has a lone glider, by the way, which we can not reintroduce back into the group, due to the territorial positions that each have taken. I have seen a large combination of gliders that wanted to be with a group, vs, those who didn't. I have seen lone males get very aggressive, when others were even brought into the home let alone his cage. I have seen males that would rather kill another glider, rather than allow it near his person.. When Gliders were brought from the wild to the captivity, many changes have taken place that are no longer a natural thing..Remeber in the wild they would attack a human, that came within 500 ft of their nesting tree. Being a homeschool parent the word socialization, I found is defined as to what the person using it, intends..y 16 year old daughter may not be able to realte to the kids from school, but she can impress you as an adult. Much of her is very mature.. so what exactly is socialization? I have found that it is.. To be able to interact with others in society, in communities.. Gliders may die from lack of attention, but that also means from their person as well.. In the wild, as with most animals, it is safer to be in larger groups, in captivity, if they have the attention/socialization from their people and they feel safe.. they won't die of lonliness.. you don't miss, what you don't have..

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