
Subject: Re: is there something??
Posted by Andie on April 14, 2000 at 11:45:44 from

In Reply to: Re: is there something?? posted by Bourbon on April 14, 2000 at 08:57:18:

No, Harley IS neutered! I got Kayce in July and kept her in a seperate cage from Harley. Harley was neutered in August and I started to really introduce them mid September but did not put them togeather until October (was told it may take a month before hormones get out of his system). My vet appears very knowledgeable. When I first got Kayce she got very sick (thought I was going to lose her). Dr. Brady detected a bacterial infection and hooked her up w/ meds and gave me detailed instructions. He also neutered my male and we had NO problems with it. I think I will take her in as you said, better to be safe then sorry. I just sometimes think I over react and it's nice to hear others opinions. You stated there were some diseases that affect the pouch. Can you provide more info or point me in right direction for more info? I don't think it's possible to have too much info. on these little guys. THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING!!!

: you say she has been with an unneutered male since oct? Was she with him prior to the neutering? I would take her in just to have it checked out, it is always much better to be safe than sorry. Also be a good time to find out how much your vet knows about gliders, and if they don't it will give you a chance to find one that does.. just in case...

: : : that just doesn't seem right to you? If in any doubt whatso ever, see a vet.. the most common amoung females is mastitus, fungus infections, and yeast infections. Is it a lone female? how long have you had her? how old is she ? Was she caged with a male? Usually someone don't ask questions like this unless they are concerned that something may be wrong..

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