
Subject: Now wait a minute....
Posted by Peesh on May 01, 2000 at 23:28:18 from

In Reply to: can you throw your sugar glider? posted by Suzie on May 01, 2000 at 19:21:44:

Before we jump all over this person let's look at some past posts. A while back I asked a question about Maddie (my baby) and her gliding. Someone responded that I may have to teach her how to glide. A person suggested that I stand close to a towel or something and toss her towards it. I guess the idea was that she would learn to glide that way. Now, no one attacked the person who suggested that to me. Perhaps (hopefully) we misunderstood Suzies question. Maybe Suzie was not suggesting that she THROW her glider around, maybe she read my past post and was questioning it. Instead of jumping to conclusions perhaps we can ask a few more questions of Suzie to find out what her intentions are. No, Suzie, it is not ok to throw your glider. I wouldn't even suggest tossing her. If you were asking the question to find out if it is a way to teach her how to glide then I don't have an answer for you. It was suggested to me, however, I chose not to teach my glider how to glide because I like her hanging out with me. It is important to remember that these are fragile little animals that need to be protected and made to feel secure. If you were to toss your glider it would probably scare the bajeezes out of it and then not trust you. Do you own a glider? If you do not and are thinking of getting one please do not let people scare you away from asking questions. This is a great place to gather information and to do research. I commend you for asking the question instead of just trying it and possibly harming the glider. The people who post here are very much glider advocates and tend to get a little upset when people ask questions that could possibly harm a glider. The people here are great, so keep asking questions if you have any.
Good luck Suzie

: HI i heard that you can toss them in the air and the will glid back to you is this true? thank you.

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