Subject: HELP! Glider won't stop BARKING!
Posted by Ewok on July 12, 2000 at 16:28:44 from
Normally my glider is a relaxed little guy, but lately he has been real nervous. Last night he freaked out while he was sitting on my shoulder. He was relaxed and letting me pet his back, then he got real tense, and started to bark. I put him back in his cage and he kept barking and scampering around frantically- he wouldn't let me near him. He kept barking for about twenty minutes and stopped when he finally accepted a cricket from my hand. He then went in his nest box- and came out an hour later perfectly fine. My only question is I have heard they bark to locate others, but this was definately not the case. Please help, has anyone ever had anything remotely similar happen?????????? I spend at least an hour a night with him and his cage is clean and large (3ft on all sides). I am really worried that this might happen again. Any reply would be much appreciated.
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