
Subject: Re: HELP! Glider won't stop BARKING!
Posted by Sue on July 12, 2000 at 18:56:40 from

In Reply to: HELP! Glider won't stop BARKING! posted by Ewok on July 12, 2000 at 16:28:44:

if he is a lone glider he might be lonely or did you talk to him once he started barking sometimes when mine bark if i just talk to them a little while they calm down he might of known he was on your shoulder but maybe he just wanted a little more no expert but this is what works with mine but it could be something else.

: Normally my glider is a relaxed little guy, but lately he
: has been real nervous. Last night he freaked out while he
: was sitting on my shoulder. He was relaxed and letting me
: pet his back, then he got real tense, and started to bark.
: I put him back in his cage and he kept barking and scampering
: around frantically- he wouldn't let me near him. He kept
: barking for about twenty minutes and stopped when he finally
: accepted a cricket from my hand. He then went in his nest box- and came out
: an hour later perfectly fine. My only question is I have heard
: they bark to locate others, but this was definately not the
: case. Please help, has anyone ever had anything remotely
: similar happen?????????? I spend at least an hour a night
: with him and his cage is clean and large (3ft on all sides).
: I am really worried that this might happen again.

: Any reply would be much appreciated.

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