
Subject: This is MY oppinion....
Posted by Jacque on July 20, 2000 at 17:27:10 from

In Reply to: Re: I dunno anymore posted by Kim on July 20, 2000 at 11:29:35:

I am with Kim and Nikki on this one....
Anyone with half a brain would NEVER consider placing not only a 3rd glider in with a pair, whether it be to breed or have a colony or just have gliders but let alone a YOUNG glider under a year.
Lets just suspose here that someone not so experienced here came along with a female they had to sale or get rid of for some reason and the Brad person got her.
Then placed her in the cage with this ADULT pair that are very protective of their home what do you all for see happening here???
I see a DEAD Glider!!!!
If this was not his intentions then forgive me, and I am sure Kim would say the same, but from what he has asked for he has made it sound that this is just what he is looking for..
He may want to rephrase the question he asked.
As for S they have NO right jumping on Kim, as Kim is ONLY protecting the life of a Glider.

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