
Subject: My baby Tiger passed away this morning
Posted by Tara on August 08, 2000 at 06:27:25 from

Hi all, I used to post on here about two years ago. Life took me on a roller coaster and dumped me in North Carolina. Anyway, this morning, I woke up and found my male glider (Yoda) attacking my female (Tiger). He wouldn't let me pull them apart, but I did and Tiger was gone. I don't know when, because she was fine at about 4 am this morning (at least I think, they seemed to be playing and Yoda was barking up a storm). I had though Tiger was finally pregnant, because she had started to eat more, and her tummy was swollen on one side. Her pouch slit looked more open too. There's no outward signs as to what happened, but Yoda was "attacking" her, like he was trying to mate. I don't know if this did it or not or if there something else happened.
Yoda has been freaking out since I found Tiger. He's finally calmed down a little after giving him a treat. Now I am not sure what I should do with Tiger. My family has always had our pets cremated and brought home. They're family, so we don't just dump them. Unfortunately, I'm 3000 miles from home. I'm going to call a vet that I found on the isga page, but do vets often do cremations for gliders? What should I do with her? Right now I have wrapped her in a piece of her bedding fleece and put her in my freezer. That sounds bad, but the alternatives are worse. If anyone has some advice on this I would be very appreciative. I always found good advice and a caring ear on this site.

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