
Subject: Re: New to Gliders
Posted by Mary (beck) on August 10, 2000 at 14:38:20 from

In Reply to: New to Gliders posted by Catriona on August 10, 2000 at 13:31:48:

Welcome to the world of gliders. A good place for new owners to start reaserch is here:
You will find that a lot of glider pages are old and have outdated info. This page is keept up to date by many in the glider community. There you will find great info on glider diets:
The vast majority of glider owners use Bourbons modified leadbeaters. It is not the one listed in that book. There is not a recent sugar glider book that has an updated version for sugar gliders needs. The most recent one was written in 1997 by Caroline Macpherson, and while it does have some good info it it...some of that has changed also. I'm sure you realize that sugar glider info is changing almost daily. Here is the link for bourbons leadbeaters:

It is balanced for gliders, and you do not have to do anything different for the female if she is on this diet. Is this her first baby? The fact that the baby will be inbreed you may have some complications, but you may not. A very good place to go for joeys is here:

You say they are kind of thin, do you know their weights? Have they been seen by a good glider vet? What is their current diet? Them being thin could be diet, but it could be other things. Have they had fecals recenlty?
I do not have experience with using nectar. Their is a product called glider aid which is supposed to represent lori nectar. Lots of people do give that as a small treat 2 times a week. If you give very much though they will not eat their normal food. Some do allow gliders to chew on flowers, but be very must find out if the plant is toxic first.

Please feel free to ask any more questions you may have. Good luck to you.

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