
Subject: New to Gliders
Posted by Catriona on August 10, 2000 at 13:31:48 from

I just aquired a pair of rescued gliders 2 days ago. The pair are brother and sister, and the female has a baby in her pouch :/. I had the male neutered yesterday to prevent this from happening again. I have read a few books and articles about glider diets, and was wondering what diet is best for a lactating female. This pair is kind of thin. Where can I find the Leadbeaters diet? Is is the same leadbeaters diet listed in the Barron's Glider book? I have not seen much talk about feeding nectar to gliders. I also have a lory, so have nectar available. How often should nectar be fed? Mine seem to really like it. Do any of you feed flowers to your gliders? I grow nastursium and roses for the lory and bearded dragons. Would the gliders enjoy these?
Thanks for the info.

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