Message: In Reply to: Re: Legal Gliders? posted by Jane on November 29, 1998 at 19:57:37:
Jane in a past post you were saying that gliders were legal in every state now but the ones you listed.. I recieved email from the wildlife depts of several states and have their permission to post it on my page. The thing that bothered me about your post was that it may be a little misleading.. Like in AL you must contact the state veternarian before getting a glider. In Alaska they are illegal. In IL you must have a permit. In Fl there are cage requirements. In Iowa they must be purchased from a lawful source out of state. In Mass. they are illegal without a permit, the only permits that are allowed is for educational, zoos and science centers . In New Mexico an importation permit is required. In Utah there are a lot of requirements for a permit, but a permit is mandatory. These are state restrictions. There are also USDA restrictions. In KY in some counties there are illegal. In Washington you must check with the animal control office in your area to see if they are legal. I have contacted Main and am awaiting their determination whether or not I can post their email. I will also notify the other 2 NH and RI to see if I also can add theirs. There are so many variables in each state that it is wise to ALWAYS check with your state agencies or the state agency to which you will be taking your glider, Many state have importation permits that are required to bring a glider into their state, even if it is a legal state.
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