
Posted by Ashjan on November 29, 1998 at 21:38:51:

Late Tuesday the 24 I posted a message about my 3 month old male. I was frantic! He was sneezing, had a drippy RED nose, and wass miserable. I moved his cage to a draft free warm area and covered it in towels. The next morning I searched one last time for an exotic animal doctor, one that knew what a sg. would be very helpful. I lucked out, our new phone book included the name of a doctor that not only knew what a sg. was, but had treated several!! So I rushed him there to learn that he had contracted an Upper Respiratory Infection FROM ME!! {I visited a Doctor 26 and was confirmed to have an URI as well} He was placed on an antibiotic and now has a dry, normaly colored nose. PLEASE, PLEASE be aware that your cold/flu is not species oriented as commonly believed!! They can contract cold/flu from you so please don't assume that a sneeze is JUST a sneeze!! Vets are there so you can be safe rather than sorry. Sugar Glider Nibbles. Ashjan.

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