
Subject: Pet Palace in Carrolton, TX
Posted by Elwin Bullard on December 14, 1998 at 11:41:23:

Stopped in yesterday for meal worms and left rather
disturbed. They had apparently gotten a shipment of babies
in a couple of days before. What really suprised me was all
of these babies(at least 6 in the cage) were not able to get
into shelter because one of their pouches was being held shut
by the root piece that was for them to climb on.

These were just weaned babies, I know because we have a couple
of just weaned girls ourselves.

I tried to speak to the employees but they were not really
concerned because if the gliders are visible they might sell

I will attempt to convince the store owner or manager to at
least move their cage to a darker location in the store.
After all the store has a low light area for fish, why not gliders.

Wish me luck.

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