Subject: nighttime behavior
Posted by Barbara on December 21, 1998 at 13:30:12:
Hello Again- I am officially a junkie....I've been on the web all day looking up info. Bourbon's page was very well done. All were informative. I feel like an expert and I don't even have one. My latest concerns: 1. is about the nocturnal nature of the SG. Some people state that they let the SG's roam in the bedroom while they (the owners) are sleeping. Does this make for a good nite's rest? 2. My live in Boyfriend goes to bed at 9:30pm and gets up at 5:00 am. I'm usually in bed by 11pm. 2What kind of changes have you guys made with regards to the night time rituals? 3.Would it be a nuisance to have the SG cage in our bedroom? (Barking, etc.?) Your help and advice is appreciated.
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