
Subject: Leadbeaters question
Posted by Karen on December 25, 1998 at 22:13:08:

I have read many of the past posting on leadbeaters diet,
the ingredents for the making of it. I have tried several
versions that I have gotten from this board. The problem
is that mama-g wont touch any of it. She does not like the
different juices or the honey and if she even gets the smell
of the vitamins etc. that are suggested to use in it she still
does not touch it. Anyone have any other suggestions that I can try????
I sure would apprecite any help. I have been using cream
corn as the base of the leadbeaters with very very little
vitamins etc, rice with fruit bits, wheat germ, and the state
2 chicken. She will eat this but I feel that she is getting
to much corn. I am also having problems getting her to eat
veggies even when I limit her favorite foods. The same problem
with fruits. I thought my kids were picky eaters but she
has them beat by a long shot. I would appreciate any new
ideas and I know mama-g would too.
Merry Christmas to all gliders and their families (two and four

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